
Marcel Dreckmann, known to be the singer and lyricist of Helrunar, is Wöljager.
Conceptionally, Wöljager is inseparably connected to the artist's home region: the Münsterland, an area in northwestern Westphalia. With Wöljager, Marcel tries to set the unspoiled atmosphere of the Münsterland to music. He comments: "On the surface, the Münsterland may not be a spectacular site, but if you stroll through the country beyond the bigger cities, you will find that it has a very distinct ambience, especially in autumn and winter … austere, earthy, rainy, smoky and misty."
In terms of content, the musician attends to almost forgotten narrative material from Münsterland folklore, the main focus being its dark and obscure aspects. These are recited in a dialect that has become very rare - the "Münsterländer Platt", a Low German dialect only spoken in the Münsterland region. "In general, Low German is regarded only in rural and humorous contexts such as the peasant or community theatre", knows Marcel. "With Wöljager, I want to show that this dialect and the narrative material developed from it do have a serious side, too, which can be relevant even to the people of today."
Marcel Dreckmann, known to be the singer and lyricist of Helrunar, is Wöljager.
Conceptionally, Wöljager is inseparably connected to the artist's home region: the Münsterland, an area in northwestern Westphalia. With Wöljager, Marcel tries to set the unspoiled atmosphere of the Münsterland to music. He comments: "On the surface, the Münsterland may not be a spectacular site, but if you stroll through the country beyond the bigger cities, you will find that it has a very distinct ambience, especially in autumn and winter … austere, earthy, rainy, smoky and misty."
In terms of content, the musician attends to almost forgotten narrative material from Münsterland folklore, the main focus being its dark and obscure aspects. These are recited in a dialect that has become very rare - the "Münsterländer Platt", a Low German dialect only spoken in the Münsterland region. "In general, Low German is regarded only in rural and humorous contexts such as the peasant or community theatre", knows Marcel. "With Wöljager, I want to show that this dialect and the narrative material developed from it do have a serious side, too, which can be relevant even to the people of today."
Wöljager - Van't Liewen un Stiäwen [Vüörschau-Sülwerschiwe] (CD Single)
Wöljager - Van't Liewen un Stiäwen [Vüörschau-Sülwerschiwe] (CD Single)

Wöljager - Van't Liewen un Stiäwen [Vüörschau-Sülwerschiwe] (CD Single)

Wöljager - Van't Liëwen Un Stiäwen (Book CD)
Wöljager - Van't Liëwen Un Stiäwen (Book CD)
Wöljager - Van't Liëwen Un Stiäwen (Book CD)
Wöljager - Van't Liëwen Un Stiäwen (Book CD)
Wöljager - Van't Liëwen Un Stiäwen (Book CD)
Wöljager - Van't Liëwen Un Stiäwen (Book CD)
Wöljager - Van't Liëwen Un Stiäwen (Book CD)
Wöljager - Van't Liëwen Un Stiäwen (Book CD)

Wöljager - Van't Liëwen Un Stiäwen (Book CD)


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